Key features of Thiol Libre Yeast include:
- Attenuation: Ranging from 68 to 80%, it ensures a balanced fermentation, contributing to the beer's dryness.
- Temperature Range: Optimal performance at 17–23ºC (63–73ºF), offering flexibility for various brewing setups.
- Flocculation: Medium flocculation, facilitating easier yeast harvesting and repitching.
- Alcohol Tolerance: Medium tolerance, suitable for brews with up to 10% ABV.
- Biotransformation: Very high, which is pivotal for releasing complex flavor compounds like terpenes.
- Flavor Profile: A rich blend of passionfruit, guava, and grapefruit notes, imparting a unique and refreshing taste to your beer.
Perfect for styles like American IPA, NEIPA, and Wine-Beer Hybrids, Thiol Libre is non-diastatic and non-phenolic, ensuring a clean and consistent fermentation without unwanted spicy or clove-like flavors. Its high fermentation rate makes it a great choice for brewers looking to achieve a quick and efficient fermentation process. Thiol Libre's updated formula, as of June 2023, ensures no phenolic aroma generation, making it an excellent choice for brewers aiming to craft flavor-focused and aromatic tropical beers.